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Located on the sixth floor of the School, the library has a repository of approximately 31,204 records, made up of 8,362 vinyl records, 7,560 compact discs, 8,868 scores, 3,544 monographs, 1,997 DVDs and, as of 1991, recordings of teachers’ concerts and the students’ concert series. The library also has books, magazines, dictionaries and reference works for consultation.

Opening Hours

The schedule is continuous from 10:00am to 6:00pm, Monday through Thursday, and from 9:30am to 3:00pm on Friday. The library is closed when classes are out (Christmas holidays, Easter week and the months of July and August). Access is restricted to students and teachers from the School and, at times with prior consultation, researchers and other interested parties are given access.

Contact: biblioteca@albeniz.com


There are 12 places with computers where you can access the library catalogue and the platform with audiovisual content, reserve booths and make all kinds of enquiries. There is a printer and photocopier available for students.

Biblioteca - Escuela Superior de Música Reina Sofía


Enquiries: Access to the library catalogue is through a Restricted Area, from which you can consult the library collection, see books users can borrow and reserve books or scores.

Borrowing: All students and professors at the School may borrow library materials. The due date is 15 days, and a maximum of six documents can be borrowed at the same time. Excluded from borrowing are reference works, out of print or valuable books and sheet music, as well as academic concerts or concert series.


Students may request that the library purchase materials they need for their concerts or work. The dean will oversee these requests and will decide, along with the professors, the material that should be purchased. Requests can be made:

  • Online, by means of the library catalogue, after accessing the user services and filling out the Requests tab.
  • In person, filling out the form available in the library.
  • By email, sending an email to biblioteca@albeniz.com.